Top 10 Biggest Questions About Apple's iPhone 5
What's in iOS 5?
While the iPhone accouterments is absolutely sexy, it's software that absolutely makes it an iPhone. So what does Apple accept planned for the next above adaptation of its iOS software for iPhones and iPads?

We asked a dozen iOS developers what they capital from iOS 5, and their responses included: A bigger alerts and notifications system; added accomplishments processing appearance — so the New York Times app could download account online writing while you're sleeping, for example; and potentially "widgets" to adapt your iPhone's alleviate or home screens. We'd aswell adulation to see a abundant bigger camera app, and maybe a bigger photo administration app, added like iPhoto for Mac OS X. The iPhone camera is acceptable absolute important, and while third-party developers like Instagram accept done some absolutely air-conditioned things with it, it makes faculty for Apple to advance the congenital camera software, too.
Is this addition accomplished new iPhone design?

This declared leaked angel could be it — abiding looks like the iPad 2 — or could be a fake. But either way, we apprehend a new design.
The critics accept shut up about Apple's iPhone 4 design, and "Antennagate" didn't assume to accept any aftereffect on sales. So we wouldn't be afraid to see the iPhone 4 stick about as Apple's cheaper iPhone model. But we apprehend at atomic some abstinent updates this year to the high-end model.
Will Apple assuredly about-face on some added "cloud" services?
How about administration photos with added iPhone users afterwards accepting to email them?
Some or all of these appearance could potentially be congenital into a new "MobileMe" service, which Apple could potentially accomplish cheaper or even free. Some may accept to adjournment to be congenital into the next adaptation of Mac OS X, which is accepted to address this year. But this is an breadth area Google is accomplishing added absorbing things than Apple, so it's time to deathwatch up.
When will it go on sale?
Apple has launched a new iPhone every June or July aback the aboriginal one went on auction in 2007. We don't apprehend annihilation altered this year. Except that endure month, FBR analyst Craig Berger accepted that the iPhone 5 barrage may be pushed to September because of what he was audition from the accumulation chain: "For the iPhone 5, we abide to apprehend that a July barrage is unlikely, with assorted case suppliers and blow suppliers still ramping up, with some dent vendors not accepting yet accustomed abutting iPhone 5 orders, and with added sockets like the angel sensor … still in flux."
We accept Apple intends to absolution the iPhone 5 in the summer, as it has in accomplished years. But annihilation is possible, including a delay. Though, on the added hand, Apple launched the iPad 2 beforehand than expected, admitting in absolute abbreviate supply.
Will iPhone 5 awning abreast acreage advice (NFC) technology for adaptable payments?
One of the above new appearance accepted for the iPhone 5 was declared to be abreast acreage advice (NFC) technology, which would acquiesce you to accomplish a transaction or barter media with addition iPhone just by captivation it abutting to addition NFC device.
But the iPad 2 has alien afterwards NFC, and afresh the Independent appear that Apple is cogent carriers that the iPhone 5 will not accept it, either. It looks like Apple's transaction anarchy will accept to adjournment addition year.
Will the iPhone 5 be 4G? Will the phones be amalgam AT&T/Verizon units? Or abstracted like the iPhone 4 and iPad 2?
This is something we accepted for the iPad 2, but Apple instead went with two altered 3G curve — abstracted AT&T and Verizon devices. Perhaps because the dual-mode chips weren't accessible yet. Perhaps because they weren't amount effective, if the majority of the apple doesn't use CDMA.
Will the iPhone 5 be dual-mode devices? Or just single-mode like absolute Apple devices?
Does Apple accept addition amusing arrangement up its sleeve? Or will it assuredly plan afterpiece with Facebook?
So should Apple abide to accomplish its own amusing tools? Or should it plan to accommodate absolute amusing networks like Facebook and Twitter added into the iOS experience, the way added phones have?
Will it be bigger? Or smaller?
There are approved rumors that Apple is alive on abate or bigger iPhones.
Still, we wouldn't authority our breath.
Will Apple accept an able iPhone case like the iPad 2′s acute cover?
Will Apple appear out with a crazy awning of some array for the iPhone 5? Or will it just try to accomplish the absolute buzz added abiding so humans don't charge a case? The nice affair about the bumper, afterwards all, is that it doesn't add abundant aggregate to the buzz — it's basically a high-tech elastic band.
How abundant will it cost? Will there be a "free" iPhone this year? How about lower account fees?
Android phones are starting to edge down in price, and Apple hasn't absolutely done abundant with its iPhone appraisement aback 2008.
Will this be the year that the low-end iPhone drops to $0 from $99 afterwards subsidy? Will Apple devise some added affairs with the carriers to accomplish abstracts admission added affordable for entry-level users?
Is there absolutely a super-cheap iPhone on the way for developing markets?